


Fish glue in plates Code . b07131
Fish glue from sturgeon fish bladders
Karuka - or otherwise fish glue, obtained from dried fish bladders, primarily beluga and sturgeon (import of this type of fish is prohibited in the USA). Therefore, due to nature protection requirements, glue is often made from the bladders of other types of fish, usually from South America. The bladder is removed from the fish and immersed in hot water, the veins and muscles are cleaned and then dried. The composition of the blister is 70% collagen.
Purpose: As a clarifying agent in the production of wine and beer.
They are known as fish glue (Colla piscium). Their problematic production and high price allow the use of glue only in restoration work and in the repair or production of musical instruments (restoration of old violins), due to the high adhesiveness and elasticity and high degree of adhesion exceeding the tassel glue from bones and skin
Made from fish skins and fish bladders.
Purpose: Used for paper restoration works, gilding works and painting restoration.
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