

DOWANOL PM 1L – B07353

DOWANOL PM 1L – B07353
Propylene glycol methyl ether. The quickly evaporating solvent dissolves almost all resins and varnishes
e.g. Paraloid B 72, chlorinated rubber, nitrocellulose, natural resins including shellac. Highly effective solvent, low viscosity and high boiling point (120ºC), quickly evaporating, perfectly miscible with water. Dissolves almost all varnishes and acrylic resins, e.g. Paraloid B 72.
It is a new generation of low toxicity solvents. Free from irritating odor.
It can be used, for example, instead of Nitro.
S-W-D mixture: Ethyl alcohol 80%, Water 5%, Dowanal 15%
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